10 Things to Know About TENS Units

Electro sex play can be kinky and enjoyable and result in orgasms without using your hands. What's not to adore?

Have you ever had intense sensual energy coursing through your body as if something flicked a switch? Would you like to make it happen at any time? With a TENS unit, it's time to investigate electro sex!

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is referred to as TENS. Both pain relief and sexual stimulation are achieved by passing electrical current back and forth through muscles using positive and negative electrode pads that are affixed to the skin. TENS devices are incredibly adaptable and completely safe, offering a variety of sexytime pleasures from mild vibration to excruciating agony.

Are you curious about how to use a TENS unit? Ten topics to think about when researching electrophoresis are listed here. (You can also purchase all the necessary playthings in our Kinky Shop!)

Electricity: Sexy and Beneficial

It's difficult to imagine that a gadget that brings such joy wasn't designed as a sex toy in the first place. The purpose of TENS units is to control and alleviate pain. When activated, the electrodes can be arranged in a circle around the painful region. The pulses "trick" the afflicted nerve cells into not communicating with the brain. Additionally, they promote endorphin release. TENS machines' many intensity settings can help people manage a range of pain levels, from acute to chronic.

You Must Play Safe

TENS units are extremely safe despite the fact that even the kinkiest of players can become terrified at the idea of playing with electricity in any form. It should be mentioned, though, that they are not to be applied over the breast or on the head. Some people will suggest never wearing them over the waist. It is not a good idea to attach an electrode to each nipple since the electrical pulse could cause the heart's rhythm to be disturbed. Attach one electrode to the top of your TENS device and another someplace below it if you're interested in trying nipple stimulation.

You Might Consider Shaving

The fact that many sex toys can occasionally be challenging to hold in the proper position for the ideal length of time without giving you a cramp is one of their minor to significant drawbacks. TENS units are pretty sticky, which solves this issue. The electrodes adhere to the skin immediately and won't move until you instruct them to. They're really sticky! This raises the question: should I shave or not? To transmit the electricity, the electrodes should ideally have as much skin as feasible. Therefore, you should probably trim if you have a large bush and wish to adhere to them in your pubic area. You'll be all right, though, if your favorite spot has light hair. However, when you remove the electrodes, there is a possibility that some hair will be gone. We've warned you!

You Can Use TENS Units on Vulvas

One excellent location to utilize a TENS unit's hands-free features is the vulva. The electrode pads can be positioned on either side of the clitoris or the vaginal opening for individuals who prefer external stimulation. Alternately, mix & match! The user is ultimately responsible for determining whether or not that degree of stimulation is desirable, given the clitoris's general sensitivity. Keep in mind that these devices offer powerful stimulation even at low settings. It is advisable to begin with the lowest settings and gradually raise the intensity if you are extremely sensitive. Increase it or not, many people say that the weakest settings are the most rumbly and vibrating.

You Can Use TENS Units on Penises

There are a lot of fantastic opportunities for enjoyment in the penis and its surroundings. Although electrodes can be positioned anywhere on the shaft, the frenulum is a prime location. Similar to the clitoris, this area is extremely sensitive, so not everyone should use it. For testicular teasing, some people will prefer to attach the electrodes to their scrotums. The prostate is another location that provides a whole new realm of pleasure. You might not be aware that the perineum can be used to stimulate the prostate if you're new to prostate play. A TENS device will undoubtedly send some sensation in that direction, though it is not as strong as inner contact.

You Can Use TENS Units in Lots of Other Places, Too

A TENS unit is a highly diverse enjoyment device, aside from the no-zap zones that were previously discussed. Install the electrodes and check out the results! People mention that they really like the inner thighs and anus in addition to the front parts. The sensitivity of the skin between your legs—but not quite there—is something that is quickly forgotten. It's a subtle but enjoyable tease to have the electrodes and current so close to your genitalia. And if you want to play with your ass, you'll probably appreciate what a TENS unit can do to your ass. One electrode on each side of your backdoor might be quite the delight, but you might need to follow the shaving or trimming instructions! Imagine increasing the intensity of rimming by 500%!

You Can Attach Them to Other Sex Toys

The electrodes included with a TENS machine are definitely only to be used outside. Never attempt to place them inside of you. I have no idea how it would work, given how sticky they are. To get those erotic electrical feelings inside of you, you can add toys and attachments to your TENS unit. TENS units can be combined with dildos and butt plugs to create a genuinely unique sensation. An involuntary spasm is typically thought of as a flow of electricity across the body. Well, such kinds of vaginal or anus spasms can be brought on by the safe, low-intensity currents of a TENS device coupled to a toy, and they may even result in an orgasm! Some people even employ these beneficial vibrations to work out their Kegel muscles, which is definitely helpful for their sexual health.

TENS Units Can Help You Take BDSM Play to the Next Level

Some people find it frightening to think of playing with electricity, which is why this tutorial has concentrated on TENS unit safety. What if you don't want to be that safe, though? What if you truly want to experiment with a different kind of power? When power imbalance is required, a TENS unit can be a great addition to scenarios with a BDSM theme. A dominant can have unimaginable control by attaching the electrodes to an enslaved person or submissive. The options are unlimited, whether it's a gradual increase to chronic pain or a sudden shock as retribution for impudence. To understand the controls and determine the tolerance level, it is recommended that both the top and bottom try the unit out beforehand.

TENS Units Can Help You and Your Partner Connect

Although TENS units come in a variety of forms, practically all of them let you play with a partner. I hope there are enough electrodes for everyone to have a surprisingly enjoyable day. You can go for something entirely different or attach to comparable pieces simultaneously. A TENS unit can be a great addition to mutual masturbation, though it may be challenging to find a setting that suits you both. Or imagine the possibility of having multiple hands-free orgasms at the same time. Nothing prevents that from happening, but we're entering some excellent areas!

You Can Use TENS Units to Enjoy Hands-Free Orgasms

While numerous sexual devices promise hands-free orgasms, few of them live up to the hype. This likely has more to do with the vastly different erotic and stimulation demands of each of us as individuals than it does with the actual items. But one of the few gadgets that actually gives you a greater likelihood of climaxing from Electro sex alone is a TENS unit. Those with penises who are used to getting pleasure from stroking motions may find it a bit more complicated, but it is certainly doable. With just a few knob twists, no other product provides such a wide range of sensations. Until you discover the ideal place, you will be able to move from pleasure to plain and back again.