An Introduction to Genital Clamps for Women
Do you want to combine pain and pleasure? Here's how you enter the clamping world safely.
The sensation of having your labia stroked or pulled on during foreplay may be familiar to you. The reason for this is that applying pressure to the labia might activate the internal clitoris. Most of us refer to the small button above the top of the vaginal opening as the clitoris, but it's actually only the beginning of something much bigger. It is connected to the clitoral legs, which are extra three to seven inches of delicate tissue. These wishbone-shaped internal clitoral legs extend on either side of the vaginal opening beneath the labia. We frequently focus on the clitoris head during external play while ignoring the thousands of delicate nerve endings beneath the vulva's surface.
Why Do Labia Clamps Feel Good?
There are several reasons why labia clamps are popular. First of all, the hidden part of the clitoral complex can come alive by gently pinching, pulling, or rubbing the labia with genital clamps. This will help to increase climax and desire.
For those of us who enjoy suffering, harsher genital clamps can provide the unpleasant sensations we desire and feel deliciously wicked. Regardless of the strength of the clamps, removal can be erotically intense. All the sensations are intensified when blood flows back into the constricted area. The mere act of gently touching the area with a finger or blowing warm breath on it might provide surprisingly pleasurable sensations.
What Kind of Clamps Should I Use on My Labia?
Genital clamping can be enjoyed without investing in expensive equipment. When experimenting with any kind of clamping, it is crucial to begin with a low level and progressively increase it over several sessions. Wooden clothespins are an excellent tool to begin with. A basic, low-cost set of nipple clamps is even better.
On the outer labia, try cutting the pins on either side of the vaginal opening for your first session. It should feel like a soft, pleasant tugging as you get up. Also, arousal should be triggered by simply moving your fingers lightly over the clamps. In order to keep the labia open, pin the clamp ends to the legs and wrap a broad silk scarf around the top of each thigh.
How Do I Use Labia Clamps Safely?
Using any kind of genital clamp—even as benign as wooden clothespins—requires careful consideration of safety precautions. A clamp should never be left in place for more than 15 to 20 minutes at a time. If the clamps are really tight or the tissue is less meaty in certain places, even less time is recommended. Check the area every few minutes; remove the clamp at an away if you see any blue or purple discoloration or if the area feels chilly to the touch. A nerve-rich area such as the clitoris or clitoral hood should never be clamped. Although you can clamp the inner or outside labia, bear in mind that the outer labia can typically tolerate more forceful clamping due to their general thickness. Clamp in accordance with the narrower and more sensitive inner labia.
What Other Types of Labia Clamps Can I Use?
Plastic clothespins are an excellent choice if you're willing to try something more daring than wooden ones because they clip more securely and have a stronger bite. Other everyday household items that can be used as labia clamps include binder clips, hanger clips, and chip clips.
The majority of breast clamps can also be applied to the labia. By adding additional weight, chain-connected breast clamps improve sensation. Clamps with movable weights are also available from BDSM merchants, allowing you to raise the weight as you become used to it.
As your genital clamp play skills improve, you can integrate it into role-playing exercises or pair it with blindfolds or arm restraints. Even wearing labia clamps under a skirt in public allows you to enjoy the sensual secret that only you and your spouse are aware of.
Removing Labia Clamps
Removing any body clamp, whether it is for the labia, nipples, penis, or any other area of the body, hurts the most. This is because the region swells rapidly after removal. After all, circulation abruptly returns. Specific actions must be performed in order to calm the surge of pain that happens upon clamp removal.
Firstly, ensure that your hands are dry. If they are wet or licked, the clamp can slip from your fingers and snap back down on your skin when you remove it. That hurts—an enormous amount.
Use your—dominant hand's thumb and pointer finger to hold the clamp firmly while removing it. Slowly release the pressure. Quickly raise and remove the clamp from the body as soon as it separates from the skin. Use your other hand to gently pull the skin away if it adheres to one side of the open clamp. Take a deep breath before releasing the clamp, either with your partner or by yourself if you're clamping alone. They should breathe and relax when the clip is being taken out. It will be simpler to handle if you breathe with the discomfort.
Avoid touching the region for a few seconds after removing the clamp. It will probably hurt and be very sensitive. Some people may find the discomfort to be a pleasant treat, while others may find it disagreeable. You should wait longer to touch the region if you use a tighter clip. Even slight tickles or just blowing on the region can feel intense when you actually begin to touch. The ideal moment to softly play with and tease the area is after the initial rush of pain has passed but before the swelling goes away entirely. At this point, the labia are extremely sensitive, making every touch feel erotically amplified.
Try It Out!
Are you interested in trying labia clamping now that you understand the fundamentals? Get a pack of clothespins at your neighborhood supermarket or dollar store, or look at some genital clamps at your neighborhood sex toy store to get started tonight. Perhaps you have some at home already. Wooden clothespins are porous; therefore, it's best to avoid sharing them with partners. Additionally, vulva clamping requires that they be thrown away after use because of the moisture exposure. You can tighten the grip by wrapping a rubber band around the head of the wooden clamps if you discover that they aren't tight enough.
Happy clamping!