7 Exciting Benefits of Anal Sex
We cannot (and should not!) overlook the pleasure potential of butt sex, but anal sex is undoubtedly not for everyone. Some individuals may never learn about the many fantastic anal sex benefits since they are too afraid to experience anal play. Guess what, though? We believe you should try that back door!
Adutoys is here to promote the seven advantages of anal intercourse as well as some entertaining anal gadgets.
There's Zero Chance of Getting Pregnant
The nearly zero chance of becoming pregnant is one of the most alluring health advantages of anal intercourse. Naturally, we always advise utilizing STI (sexually transmitted infection) prevention products while pregnant because there is always a danger when sperm are present close to or around the vagina. Still, the chances are much lower with anal intercourse.
However, anal intercourse without protection can raise the risk of infection. Since there is a possibility that a penetrating partner could become infected by touching feces, protection is also beneficial. Yes, even if you thoroughly clean yourself after taking a shower. Some things are impossible to eradicate, no matter how thoroughly you scrub. Although it's not required, anal douching can help with the feces factor.
If you were to ask us if anal intercourse is safe, we would generally answer that it is, provided that it is performed correctly. Using a lot of lubrication, wearing latex condoms, and maintaining open lines of communication are some methods to make anal intercourse safer for both of you.
You Can Have an Intense Orgasm
Did you know that having anal sex could make orgasm easier for you? Furthermore, we're not merely discussing orgasms of the prostate. Anal intercourse should be enjoyable. As long as you and your partner take it slowly, apply lots of lubricant, and are aware of what you're doing, we would say that anal intercourse does not hurt. Additionally, whether you have a vagina or a penis, your chances of experiencing an orgasm are relatively high.
Because your anal canal is full of susceptible nerves, some people may become highly agitated by even little anal stimulation from rimming and fingering. The stimulation can be too much for those who have prostates. Usually in a positive way, but some people may find it excessive. Therefore, we advise trying out a few sex toys on your own before involving a partner.
Through penetrative anal intercourse, vaginal canal bundles of nerves known as the G-spot and A-spot can be indirectly stimulated in the anus. Most likely, you're asking yourself, "Why do it indirectly?" The explanation is that indirect methods can be a direct path to orgasms and can occasionally be more effective for delicate nerves. Oh my, consider the potential pleasure!
By the way, some people have been curious about whether anal intercourse causes the butt to enlarge. The short answer is no. If you're interested, we have an entire article about that subject.
It's a Chance to Try Some New Toys
Have you ever been curious about the sensation of butt plugs or anal beads? Or have you got your eye on a brand-new dildo that you believe would be incredibly satisfying? There's never a better moment to find out! For both novices and pros, our selection of anal sex toys is excellent. You're guaranteed to find what you're looking for in our catalog. Furthermore, it can be thrilling to attempt new things in the bedroom; let's face it!
Experiment with Something New
Variety is said to be the flavor of life. Occasionally, even those who enjoy their rigorous habits require something extra. Anal sex may be the solution you and your lover need to revive the spark in your bedroom and sexual life if you've been bored while cooped up indoors during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
You Can Get Super Intimate with Your Partner
Even though having sex is an intimate act overall, certain aspects might strengthen your bond with your spouse. Your partner may be the first person you have had anal intercourse with, even though most individuals have had sex in high school or college. They know you only share that first with them, making it a personal encounter.
Compared to other sex acts, anal intercourse involves a lot more trust, even if it is not someone's first time. Because the membrane of the anal canal is so thin, anal intercourse may be the most risky of all the sex acts. It's pretty simple to unintentionally damage your partner if you lack patience, care, and attention, and that trusting relationship makes the encounter more intimate.
The Taboo Factor
Anal sex has an unusual relationship with society, but in the end, many people find it enjoyable. Nevertheless, some people continue to disapprove of anal intercourse.
However, there is a certain excitement about entering by the back door. It might arouse your senses and heighten the intensity when you feel like you're getting away with doing something you shouldn't be. The same is true for anal intercourse. The fact that anal sex is a little more "out there" than much of society cares to admit adds excitement for many people.
A Good Option During Your Period
Anal sex may be the sexy solution you've been searching for if you're one of those people who gets overly sensitive during that time of the month or if you don't feel like changing your tampon. However, some people don't mind a little mess. Who says you can't still enjoy yourself during your period? Not us, of course!
Some people discover that the agony of menstrual cramps is lessened when they experience an orgasm during their period. Releasing hormones into your system can help relax the surrounding muscles and provide a brief feeling of euphoria, which can help you take a break from excruciating cramps. Go ahead and take two if experiencing an anal orgasm is your Pamprin!
Take Charge of Your Sexual Desires
Knowing that you are in charge of your body is comforting. This is particularly true when it comes to experiencing your pleasures. Exploring new parts of your body and realizing that you can make yourself feel good is an incredible experience, even though sating your sexual desire isn't always straightforward.
Knowing that you were the one who made you feel this way is the best feeling in the world. It was your idea, and you can now see how wonderful you're making your partner feel, even if they are the one who is opening up to you or piercing you.
In Conclusion
We believe that if anal sex is something that interests you, you should try it, even if it's never the first thing on your sex to-do list. You never know, you could enjoy it! Even if you don't, you'll be a better sex partner if you've had that experience, whether you were giving or receiving. Additionally, practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. So, don't be scared to try again if your initial attempt was rough!