Sex Position #180: Intimate launch pad
Type of position: anal sex or vaginal sex right angle while kneeling
A-spot stimulation is the primary stimulus. G-spot stimulation
Hand clitoris stimulation is an example of auxiliary stimulation. Take her buttocks in your hands.
Who initiates action: An active man
Description of the position: An excellent all-access position to stoke your sexual appetite is Intimate LaunchPad. The woman spreads her knees apart, bends them, and sleeps on her back. Using her core to maintain stability, she slides the hands beneath her knees and grasps the ankle. The man leans forward with his legs stretched apart and kneels in front of the lover's buttocks. He touches the female partner's thighs with his hands. A male can get a terrific view of the girl's body as she writhes in delight from the intimate launch pad posture.